Lime Rock's Tūrangawaewae
Tūrangawaewae could be described as the place that you came from and that you can return to, the place where you are understood and don’t have to explain yourself, where your values come from, and the influences that make you unique what ever your beliefs or background or inheritance.
LIME ROCK is our place or our tūrangawaewae, as in Maori.
LIME ROCK is our place where our vines are influenced by the mountains, the north facing hills, the limestone rock base (from the sea and shellfish that once covered the land over three million years ago), the loess (sediment blown in from the plains) and the volcanic ash blown over from gigantic eruptions.
Also defining our inland space is the climate, the altitude, the vines, grasses and plants and the animals and insects whether it be the harrier hawks and magpies, the lady birds and spiders or the precious native wasps that predate on caterpillars.
Within our space are the people. Rodger with ecological knowledge. Rosie with time in the wine industry, back to the land that she roamed over. Our people, our faithful fellow workers who have been with us through many good times, Dan our son, along with his friends and many more, it’s hard to name only a few. And then there are the Butler brothers Peter (with the original land) and Warwick who helped make this happen.
It is our place, our tūrangawaewae.